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Fitness Equipment


Various Clients


UI/UX • CRO • Web Design • PPC • Graphic Design • Marketing Strategy


2019 - Present


We have worked with multiple fitness equipment brands in a variety of capacities. Some looking to increase conversion and others looking to expand overall DTC revenue and digital presence. For the more established brands we needed to find a way to increase footprint while maintaining a strong ROAS.  For increasing CRO, we entered into a testing process to determine performance against the control to decide the optimal impact of changes.


Brand A: Expansion

Looking to increase DTC online sales as they only accounted for approx. 10% of total sales. For many brands this limits brand control when your primary channel for revenue is distribution and not an owned channel, thus causing brands to rely on the distribution channel trends to increase sales.  

Brand B: CRO

A recently launched brand was looking for support in increasing sales. There were questions around price, design aesthetics, and audience appeal.


Brand A: Expansion

We increased digital marketing through PPC and email marketing. We also underwent a website redesign and adjusted their tech pack to allow for a more integrated approach. We ran creative and message testing to optimize ads through Meta and Google.  We scaled PPC from a $300/day spend to over $5,000/day in spend while maintaining above a mandated 4x ROAS. 

Brand B: CRO

We designed multiple landing pages and revised their homepage and tested with CRO software. We focused on more of the product benefits and features in addition to improving the visual flow of information. We also adjusted color, button size and CTAs to measure impact. 


Brand A: Expansion

DTC revenue shifted from 10% of the brands total revenue to now over 80% of the brands total revenue. Total revenue is 4x greater than when we began. This has helped the brand to maintain their own

Brand B: CRO

Determined a design for the home page that has doubled conversion rate compared to two other versions including the original design as a control.

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